Riot.js 是一个客户端模型-视图-呈现(MVP)框架并且它非常轻量级甚至小于1kb.尽管他的大小令人难以置信,所有它能构建的有如下:一个模板引擎,路由,甚至是库和一个严格的并具有组织的MVP模式。当模型数据变化时视图也会自动更新。Riot.js 支持 IE8。 更新内容: added the possibility to set the parent attributes also in the tag template #289 added saucelabs tests hooks for crossbrowser testing added coveralls coverage hooks to check the code coverage on any pull request added the riot.parsers property [css, js, html] added the preventUpdate flag to avoid to trigger the auto update callbacks #699 added the components mixins in the core #536 updated the node compiler from the browser compiler updated the build script using smash to compile riot CDNJS 下载:。 Riot.js 2.1.0 发布,JavaScript 的 MVP 框架下载地址