Netty 4.1.9.Final 和 4.0.45.Final 发布了 4.0.45.Final 和 4.1.9.Final 主要更新如下: UnorderedThreadPoolEventExecutor consumes 100% CPU when idle (#6518) Correct usages of internalNioBuffer (#6486) Expose ByteBufAllocator metric in a more general way (#6485) Direct buffers in java 9? Reflections on java classes fails on java 9 (#6269) Unpooled buffer acquired from pooled allocator may have .alloc() returning null (#6436) Ensure CombinedChannelDuplexHandler can not be shared. (#6352) Expose the chunkSize used by PooledByteBufAllocator. (#6354) Allow to unwrap ByteBuffer > MAX_ENCRYPTED_PACKET_LENGTH (#6350) OpenSSL ByteBuffer BIO (#6201) PooledByteBuf.capacity(...) not enforces maxCapacity() (#6299) Buffer alignment (#6293) 4.1.9.Final 更新还包括: Bytes are dropped when using epoll and auto read = false when peer closes connection (#6303) HTTP/2 SETTINGS ACK sequencing issue (#6521) Allow GOAWAY to be sent from handlers after the Http2MultiplexCodec (#6480) DnsNameResolver should respect /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/resolver (#6321) Automatically decode DNS domain name to unicode (#6280) Implement correct handling of recursive DNS (#6256) 完整更新内容,请查看 4.0.45.Final 和 4.1.9.Final. Netty 4.1.9.Final 和 4.0.45.Final 发布下载地址