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推介 【公开信】苹果CEO致新版地图用户的一封公开信

本帖由 漂亮的石头2012-09-28 发布。版面名称:APPLE专区

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    苹果官网首页下方刚刚出现了一个小“广告”,上面写着“A Letter to our customers regarding our Maps”(就新地图问题致用户的公开信)
    苹果CEO - Tim Cook在信中向广大的新地图用户致歉,并称我们这次做的不够好,没能让很多用户满意。详细全文见正文:


    苹果公司自始至终都在努力为用户打造品质高,体验优秀的好产品。但伴随上周iOS 6中一起发布的新版地图服务,却没能实现这一承诺。为此,我们谨向用户致以诚挚的歉意,我们目前正在努力让新版地图变得更加完善。



    尽管我们目前在积极改善地图的质量,您依然可以尝试从App Store里下载第三方的地图应用,比如Bing,MapQuest或Waze,或者通过访问Google和诺基亚地图的网站,添加桌面图标来使用他们的地图Web App。


    Tim Cook
    To our customers,

    At Apple, we strive to make world-class products that deliver the best experience possible to our customers. With the launch of our new Maps last week, we fell short on this commitment. We are extremely sorry for the frustration this has caused our customers and we are doing everything we can to make Maps better.

    We launched Maps initially with the first version of iOS. As time progressed, we wanted to provide our customers with even better Maps including features such as turn-by-turn directions, voice integration, Flyover and vector-based maps. In order to do this, we had to create a new version of Maps from the ground up.

    There are already more than 100 million iOS devices using the new Apple Maps, with more and more joining us every day. In just over a week, iOS users with the new Maps have already searched for nearly half a billion locations. The more our customers use our Maps the better it will get and we greatly appreciate all of the feedback we have received from you.

    While we’re improving Maps, you can try alternatives by downloading map apps from the App Store like Bing, MapQuest and Waze, or use Google or Nokia maps by going to their websites and creating an icon on your home screen to their web app.

    Everything we do at Apple is aimed at making our products the best in the world. We know that you expect that from us, and we will keep working non-stop until Maps lives up to the same incredibly high standard.

    Tim Cook
    Apple’s CEO