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Portable MakeMKV 1.7.7

本帖由 漂亮的石头2012-10-10 发布。版面名称:便携软件

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    [軟體名稱] MakeMKV
    [版本語言] v1.7.7 英語版
    [官方網頁] www.makemkv.com
    [隨身封裝] 7z mediafire (6.1 MB)
    [隨身免裝] 7z mediafire (4.4 MB)
    [解壓密碼] 無
    [軟體概要] 一款的藍光影音格式轉換工具軟體


    MakeMKV is your one-click solution to convert video that you own into free and patents-unencumbered format that can be played everywhere. MakeMKV is a format converter, otherwise called 'transcoder'. It converts the video clips from proprietary (and usually encrypted) disc into a set of MKV files, preserving most information but not changing it in any way. The MKV format can store multiple video/audio tracks with all meta-information and preserve chapters.

    There are many players that can play MKV files nearly on all platforms, and there are tools to convert MKV files to many formats, including DVD and Blu-ray discs.

    Additionally MakeMKV can instantly stream decrypted video without intermediate conversion to wide range of players, so you may watch Blu-ray and DVD discs with your favorite player on your favorite OS or on your favorite device.

    -Reads DVD and Blu-ray discs
    -Reads Blu-ray discs protected with latest versions of AACS and BD+
    -Preserves all video and audio tracks, including HD audio
    -Preserves chapters information
    -Preserves all meta-information (track language, audio type)
    -Fast conversion - converts as fast as your drive can read data.
    -No additional software is required for conversion or decryption.
    -Available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
    -Functionality to open DVD discs is free and will always stay free.
    -All features (including Blu-ray decryption and processing) are free during BETA.

    p.s.1:隨身封裝 1--用WinRaR解壓到任何地方(或USB)為單一隨身版xxx(ThinApp).exe

    p.s.1:隨身免裝 1--用WinRaR解壓到任何地方(或USB)為單一Portable_xxx.exe
    3--已破解, 內附必要文件與說明
