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Zend Studio v10.5.0.20131105 Win / MacOSX / Linux

本帖由 漂亮的石头2013-11-25 发布。版面名称:便携软件

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员


    Zend Studio是一个屡获大奖的专业PHP集成开发环境,具备功能强大的专业编辑工具和调试工具,支持PHP语法加亮显示,支持语法自动填充功能,支持书签功能,支持语法自动缩排和代码复制功能,内置一个强大的PHP代码调试工具,支持本地和远程两种调试模式,支持多种高级调试功能。

    Zend Studio v10.5.0.20131105 (Win / Mac OS X / Linux)

    Win: 306 MB | Mac OSX: 252 MB | Linux x86: 277 | Linux x64 274 MB

    Zend Studio gives professional PHP developers the tools to write and maintain PHP code faster, solve problems more quickly, develop in the cloud and improve team collaboration.

    • Content assistance lets you immediately understand which methods or variables are currently in scope and discover APIs for new frameworks and libraries
    • Templates for new classes, traits, etc. take care of basic plumbing for you
    • Real-time validation and analysis helps you write top-quality code
    • Integrated PHPUnit enhances test driven development
    • Source control integration helps you work smoothly with SVN, CVS, Git, and GitHub
    • Debugging and profiling speeds up troubleshooting, bug-fixing and optimizes performance significantly

    Use the tools you love

    Whether you’re an experienced PHP developer or just getting started, with Zend Studio you can fully explore the benefits of popular tools in the PHP ecosystem:

    Composer - Dependency management made easy

    Looking to use your favorite features from different PHP frameworks in one project but worried about the complexity of managing dependencies? By integrating Composer, Zend Studio lets you easily add, remove, update and browse project dependencies as well as effortlessly manage repositories. You can declare your dependencies within a configuration file, and then run a single command to immediately pull them into your project.

    PHPUnit - Build reliable and bug free PHP projects

    The sooner you detect your code mistakes, the quicker you can fix them. Zend Studio has seamless integration with the PHPUnit library, making tests easy to learn, write, read and execute. Don’t write test infrastructure from scratch – just write the unique parts and reuse the plumbing.

    PHPDocumentor 2 - Create comprehensive code documentation effortlessly

    If you’ve ever tried to read code written by someone else – or even your own old code – you know how difficult it can be to understand its logic. Don’t be “that guy”: document your code! With PHPDocumentor integrated, Zend Studio makes it easier to generate user-friendly documentation from start to end. Easily document code blocks using DocBlocks and also define, select and switch between different configuration profiles.

    Build apps using your favorite framework
    Whichever framework you choose, Zend Studio will enhance your productivity: from fetching dependencies, learning new APIs, coding and unit testing to documentation and deployment.

    Zend Framework users can benefit from extra features like automated creation of modules, view helpers and controllers and enhanced content assist for services and variables

    Develop in the Cloud
    Zend Studio allows you to seamlessly deploy code in the cloud using a Zend Server runtime environment designed for developers. Why do that? You’ll get a certified and tested PHP stack, app monitoring and advanced debugging, performance tuning, and more.

    Zend Developer Cloud: this free cloud-based PHP stack based on Zend Server is ideal for team collaboration and is agnostic about the production environment.

    You can also deploy similarly onto any on-premise using Zend Server.

    Create web-based mobile applications with ease
    Designed to meet the requirements of diverse platforms, Zend Studio is integrated with Apache Cordova – a platform that enables building and packaging Web mobile applications for all the major mobile platforms, using the popular web technologies you already know: HTML, CSS and Javascript.

    Zend Studio is also equipped with a visual drag-and-drop editor for quick UI prototyping.

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    Zend.Studio.v10.5.0.20131105.MacOSX_0DayDown.COM.part1.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/38209845
    Zend.Studio.v10.5.0.20131105.MacOSX_0DayDown.COM.part2.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/38209846
    Zend.Studio.v10.5.0.20131105.Win_0DayDown.COM.part1.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/38209847
    Zend.Studio.v10.5.0.20131105.Win_0DayDown.COM.part2.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/38209848
    Zend.Studio.v10.5.0.20131105.Win_0DayDown.COM.part3.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/38209877
    Zend.Studio.v10.5.0.20131105.x64.Linux_0DayDown.COM.part1.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/38209849
    Zend.Studio.v10.5.0.20131105.x64.Linux_0DayDown.COM.part2.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/38209850
    Zend.Studio.v10.5.0.20131105.x86.Linux_0DayDown.COM.part1.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/38209851
    Zend.Studio.v10.5.0.20131105.x86.Linux_0DayDown.COM.part2.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/38210308

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