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Nemetschek Allplan 2014.0.1 X32/X64

本帖由 漂亮的石头2013-12-14 发布。版面名称:便携软件

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员


    Nemetschek Allplan 2014是一款用来快速开发3D建筑模型软件的软件,它的简单好用但是功能强大,绝对不输Autodesk,而且人性化的设计更让你可以快速的建立开发及维护你的建筑模型。是与ArchiCAD称兄道弟的强大建筑设计软件,功能上互有短长。

    Allplan 是为建筑师和设计者设计的智能方案。你可以将你的所有设计需要依赖于Allplan ,Nemetschek的 Allplan简单易用,智能的建筑设计软件,提供了建筑物设计和绘图过程的整合方案,适用于大、小建筑商。

    Nemetschek Allplan X32/X64 | 2.9 Gb

    A large range of CAD manufacturers has put new versions on the market this year. Besides ArchiCad 17, Vectorworks 2014 and AutoCad Architecture 2014 have been released. Now, Nemetschek follows and places Allplan 2014 on the market.

    Allplan has removed many of the small annoying flaws and, in doing so, taken into account a great deal of costumer wishes and remarks. Stumbling blocks have been removed, which were better solved by competitors since years. And there have been built in some great new features like, for example, the extrusion function in the 3D mode.

    Allplan is on the right way. Even if Allplan might not actually be the CAD solution for architects and construction engineers that is the easiest to operate, it is still one of the most comprehensive on the market.[​IMG]

    About Nemetschek Allplan

    Nemetschek Allplan Systems GmbH (formerly: Nemetschek Allplan GmbH), with headquarters in Munich, is a leading European vendor of software for the design and management of buildings. As a one-hundred percent subsidiary of Nemetschek AG, the company develops intelligent IT solutions for architects, engineers, building contractors and facility managers. The flagship product, Allplan, is the platform for Building Information Modeling (BIM) and provides optimum support for the seamless process of designing and constructing buildings with regard to quality, costs and time. The software is currently used in 18 languages around the world. Allplan covers all levels of a modern CAD system: from simple 2D drafting and 3D design to object-oriented building modeling with cost determination and quantity takeoff.

    Name: Nemetschek Allplan
    Version: 2014-0-1
    Home: www.nemetschek-allplan.eu
    Interface: multilanguage
    OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven(X32/X64)
    Size: 2.9 Gb

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