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SAS JMP Statistical Discovery 11.0

本帖由 漂亮的石头2013-12-28 发布。版面名称:便携软件

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员


    JMP是全球领先的统计分析软件,长期以来,JMP软件在制造业、化学制品和塑料、制药、半导体和学术研究等不同行业与领域取得了良好的应用,它帮助全球的人们在其数据中取得发现。在数不清的行业奖励的支持下,JMP在互动图像和桌面统计方面名列前茅。JMP软件总能够凭借自己专业的统计学背景、强大的大规模数据处理能力和灵活的数据展现将统计与图表联系起来,帮助用户发现其数据中的关系和异常点,这展现了有价值的发现并支持更好的决策。JMP还能帮助六西格玛(6 Sigma)专家关注客户,找出问题的根源,用事实解决问题并最终提前预见问题的发生。JMP支持DMAIC(定义、测量、分析、改进和控制)过程的各个阶段,并最终帮助企业用户获得较高的营业利润和提高业绩。


    JMP既可以作为一套独立的桌面分析工具使用,支持访问多种格式的数据文件,也可以和SAS公司的其他产品和解决方案融合,将JMP的数据可视化、试验设计、数据挖掘和SAS 生产处理结合起来以实现“1+1>2”的效果。


    SAS JMP Statistical Discovery 11.0 | 617.0 mb

    SAS, the leader in business analytics, released the latest 11.0 version of its JMP statistical discovery software, unveiling a groundbreaking new way to explore and visualise data.

    JMP sets itself apart by linking comprehensive statistics with dynamic graphics on the desktop to reveal context and insight impossible to see in a table of numbers. From data import to analysis to presentation, JMP 11 provides new tools for understanding your data.

    JMP 11 highlights:

    - Definitive screening designs separate the few factors that have a substantial effect on a response from the many that don’t.
    - Consumer research tools help you understand customer preferences.
    - New wizard simplifies data import from Microsoft Excel with less cleanup and formatting.
    - Transform variables with a single click to quickly display data from different perspectives.
    - “Informative missing” option treats missing values as informative categories.
    - Interactive HTML output enables JMP users to share interactive graphs and reports.
    - Integration with MATLAB supports engineers who use custom MATLAB models, programs or algorithms.
    - Improvements to Graph Builder include the ability to plot data on street-level maps.
    More info: new-in-jmp

    About JMP

    JMP is a business unit of SAS that produces interactive software for desktop statistical discovery. Pronounced “jump,” its name suggests a leap in interactivity, a move in a new direction. John Sall, SAS co-founder and Executive Vice President, created this dynamic software and remains its chief architect and leader of the JMP division. Introduced in 1989 with scientists and engineers in mind, JMP has grown into a family of statistical discovery products used worldwide in almost every industry. From its beginnings, JMP software has empowered its users by enabling

    About SAS

    SAS is the leader in business analytics software and services, and the largest independent vendor in the business intelligence market. Through innovative solutions, SAS helps customers at more than 65,000 sites improve performance and deliver value by making better decisions faster. Since 1976, SAS has been giving customers around the world THE POWER TO KNOW. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 2013 SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved

    Name: SAS JMP Statistical Discovery
    Version: 11.0
    Home: www.jmp.com
    Interface: english
    OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
    Size: 617.0 mb

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