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Siemens NX I-deas 6.4

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-01-31 发布。版面名称:便携软件

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员


    Siemens NX I-Deas是一套广被航天、汽车、消费性电子产品、工业设计者所採用的全功能机械产品研发过程自动化的系统。高效率的设计、绘图、分析、模拟、测试及製造,以最短的时间、较低的成本向市场提供高质量的产品,是世界应用最广泛的CAD/CAE/CAM软体之一。

    最新的Dynamic NavigatorTM动态指标系统及预选预知的功能,让使用者能够快速地建构和修改产品的设计。革命性的VGXTM 变数式几何系统技术,让使用者以更直觉的方式去雕塑三维实体模型;并直接在电脑三维实体原型上进行修改,如同以双手拼组真实的零件一样,真正满足设计者丰沛的设计创意。

    核心模组 Master Modeler

    曲面设计 Surfacing Set


    产品组装 Assembly Set

    电脑数位原型top-down设计开发环境、Copy with Associativity关联複製、乾涉检验能力、组装件动画模拟功能。具备组装件的组态和动画模拟功能。

    2D绘图出图 Drafting

    单机独立2D绘图或与3D模型整合完全出图系统、支援 ANSI、BS308、DIN、ISO和JIS绘图标準。

    模拟测试 Simulation and Test

    产品加工製造 Manufacturing

    模具设计 Mold Design
    由VGX MoldBase及VGX Core/Cavity两个模组所提供的Mold Design功能,可以在最短的时间之内,从已完成的3D实体模型开始发展,迅速将模具相关的零组件架构设计完成。

    开放式结构 Open Architecture

    团队资料管理 Team Data Management

    线上即时辅助系统 Multimedia Training, Tutorials, and Online Documentation

    Siemens NX I-deas 6.4 | 3.7 Gb

    Description: I-Deas NX – CAD design system, or the upper level. System design organically combine the processes of design and analysis in a single complex.

    Its use does not have difficulty with the creation of complex and mathematically precise model of the product, as soon as these systems are the most powerful tools for geometric modeling

    The organization of the exchange between the subsystems design (cad), analysis (CAE), and technological training Discontinued (CAM) is practically invisible to the user, as the subsystems operate with a single database, or have internal data formats.

    The composition of different types of analysis is limited in comparison with the composition of universal programs and is primarily designed for tasks such as structural analysis, linear static analysis, modal analysis (calculation of natural frequencies of the kinematic parameters of motion), thermal analysis, analysis of the steady state (linear convection, linear stability), etc.

    Engineering analysis with the use of the system design is usually made on the basis of the finite element method and finite differences and consists of the following major steps:
    • Primary (predprotsessornoy) training;
    • calculation results (processing stage);
    • processing of the simulation results (postprotsessornoy analysis).

    The system I-Deas NX – CAD upper level as well as Unigraphics NX, is an integrated system and includes a computer-aided design CAD, CAM, CAE components.
    To meet the challenges of designing using CAD design component of I-Deas NX, which includes the following applications:
    • Design – development of three-dimensional models of parts and assemblies of structures;
    • Drafting – the formation of the drawings according to the three-dimensional models.
    Three-dimensional models of structures developed in the application Design, then used in CAE component of I-Deas NX. CAE component – Simulation application is designed for calculations of strength, udarovibrostoykost, acoustic impact, durability, impact of thermal conditions, carrying out structural optimization, etc.
    CAE part of the system I-DEAS NX includes the following components:
    • I-Deas NX MasterFEM (Simulation modules of an application with its own solver);
    • I-Deas NX c solver NX Nastran – a full-featured package for the preparation, execution, and reporting the results of calculations.

    Name: Siemens NX I-deas
    Version: (32bit) 6.4 Build
    Home: www.plm.automation.siemens.com
    Interface: multilanguage
    OS: Windows XP / Seven
    Size: 3.7 Gb

    Special Thanks SSQ