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  2. Xenforo 爱好者讨论群:215909318 XenForo专区

Calendar 日历 5.2


  1. 版本更新

    dded Easter to Holiday file.
  2. 版本更新

    he Sidebar Upcoming Events block now only shows one row for each event, even if the event is for multiple days.
  3. 版本更新

    Adding a calendar event of the same date twice produced an error. The problem was the xf_calendar table had the thread_id field as a primary where it should have been made an index.
  4. 版本更新

    Added option for Upcoming Calendar Events sidebar block.
  5. 版本更新

    In addition to showing the "Today's Calendar Events" block in the sidebar, it's now possible to also show a "Tomorrow's Calendar Events" block in the sidebar.
  6. 版本更新

    Updated CSS.
  7. 版本更新

    Corrected phrase issue dealing with navigation link.
  8. 版本更新

    1) Added Today's Calendar Events as a sidebar block option.
    2) Remove Today's Calendar Events which was displayed above the forum list.
    3) Added User Group Permission "Calendar View" which determines which user group can view the calendar.
  9. 版本更新

    Improved Calendar Thread links so they show correct URL format in all situations.

    If you have already made a donation for this very popular add-on, thank you. Otherwise please consider making a donation to show your appreciation for the Calendar add-on. My PayPal email address will be given upon request via Private Conversation.
  10. 版本更新

    Made a minor code change to prevent Server Error Log entries in a rare situation where guests cannot view any nodes and the the Calendar is called from the URL.
    Updated andy_calendar.css template to use @pallet colors. This allows in most cases to work with any color style.